Chráníme Vaše data. Více ZDE.

DOM – House of Open Opportunities

DOM is a nongovernmental organization that has helped young people since 1999. The target group of DOM is young people who do not have family support and who lack basic skills needed to succeed in work and relationships. Some of these youngsters have never lived in families. They were brought up in institutions and sent out on their own when they reached age 18. Others have lived in very dysfunctional families and suffer from low self-esteem, limited education and lack of basic social skills. These young people do not live in safe environments. They do not have understanding grown-ups around to support and love them and they do not have positive peers to relate to. They lack the support and direction which many of their age-mates are fortunate enough to have without thinking about it. DOM offers residential and outpatient services to help these youngsters develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed and become positive, responsible members of society.

Halfway house project

DOM 8 provides 24-hour residential care in a 9 small flats facility in a charming house in Prague 8. Residents also receive social and psychological training. The residents are young people (age 16–26) who do not have family support, especially young men and women released from institutional care who are having difficulty making the transition to independent living.
DOM BYDLO (Housing) provides in two flats in Prague 8 and Prague 10 room for six more developed clients who have the skills to live more independently.

DOM JOB project

DOM JOB is an ongoing multi-purpose program which includes an educational component focusing on work skills and integration of the client into the labour market. In addition, clients work for the social company KOŠÁRA and produce quality original handmade products. They sell their work in the company shop and in outside markets and earn an income.


DOM TENTACLE is an outpatient centre that supports young people who do not have family support. This service helps clients find affordable housing and obtain social benefits. A professional social worker also provides counselling and crisis intervention services.

Other projects

In addition to its main projects, DOM also runs several smaller programs and activities.
DOM INSPIRATION offers clients English lessons with a CELTA-certified, native-speaker and offers individual training in computer skills. DOM WITHOUT RISK has professionals who assess clients’ competencies and help them plan for their future.


Michaela Wicki
Braunerova 22
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Tel. 00420 283 840 884
Tel. 00420 775 698 398

Stories from DOM

The project Stories from DOM was inspired by the idea that every client has a story of their journey which starts with an unfavourable situation and then progresses to personal development and positive change.
Here, clients grant insights into their journey and their mind.


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